Thursday, December 22, 2011

Emilia - Big Big World


Big Big World 

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing
if you leave me
but I do do feel
that I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

I can see the first leaf falling
it's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing
if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

Outside it's now raining
and tears are falling from my eyes
why did it have to happen
why did it all have to end

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing
if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

I have your arms around me
ooooh like fire
but when I open my eyes
you're gone...

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing
if you leave me
but I do do feel
that I too too will
miss you much
miss you much...

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing
if you leave me
but I do feel I will
miss you much
miss you much...

Sumber :
Just copy it, Why not?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Let's Learn 2A ( Indonesian People )

Halo teman semua, kini ada posts untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris juga loh! Makanya, terus saja lihat aktivitas dan postings yang ada di blog saya ini, kecil kecil tapi bermanfaat, sedikit sedikit tapi menjadi bukit. Oke kita langsung aja yu.

Misi : Membuat orang Indonesia mengenal Bahasa Inggris

Di posting pertama ini untuk Let's Learn 2A, kita hanya mempelajari kata - kata yang mudah saja, tapi jangan pikir kalau misalnya post Let's Learn 1A dan 2A hanya dibalik - balikkan saja ya! Walau sedikit berbeda, tetapi untuk bangsa kita langsung saja ke contoh kalimatnya, mudah kok.

Subyek :

1. Saya = I
2. Kamu = You
3. Mereka = They
4. Kami = We
5. Kata untuk seseorang/sesuatu yang tidak bernama/tidak diketahui = It

Predikat :

1. Baca = Read
Membaca = Reading
2. Dengar = Hear
Mendengar = Hearing
3. Makan = Eat
Memakan = Eating
4. Minum = Drink
Meminum = Drinking
5. Jalan = Walk
Berjalan = Walking

*Lima dulu saja
*Kalau ada imbuhan me/ber ( kata tertentu ) menggunakan -ing ya belakangnya

Tempat :

1. Dapur = Kitchen
2. Kamar Mandi = Bathroom
3. Garasi = Garage
4. Sungai = River
5. Hotel = Hotel
6. Kamar = Room
7. Gunung = Mountain
8. Gua = Cave

Segitu dulu aja deh kata - katanya, kita mulai yu ke kalimatnya, kalimat yang disusun berurutan ya, dari S-P-K. Obyek nya tidak usah dulu deh, obyek belakangan saja dipelajarinya mungkin di Let's Learn 2B, ok?

Kalimat :

1. Saya membaca di dapur = I am reading at the kitchen.
2. Kamu mendengar lagu Ayu Ting Ting di kamar mandi = You are hearing Ayu Ting Ting's song in the bathroom.
3. Mereka memakan ayam goreng di garasi = They are eating fried chicken at the garage.
4. Kami meminum air putih di sungai = We are drinking water in the river.
5. Dia berjalan di hotel = It is walking in the hotel.
6. Dina tidur di kamar = Dina is sleeping in the room.
7. Rina mencari udara segar di gunung = Rina is searching for fresh air at the mountain.
8. Pak Ridi mecari batu di gua = Pak Ridi is searching for stones in the cave.

Pertanyaannya, tahu gak arti kata yang digaris bawah? Yang tahu berarti sudah menguasai materi kita pada posting ini.

Arti dari kata bergaris bawah itu, adalah kata tambahan.
*is/am/are = kata sesudah subyek yang diarahkan kepada pekerjaan yang dilakukan sekarang ( present )
*was/were = kata sesudah subyek yang diarahkan kepada pekerjaan yang dilakukan dulu ( past )
*in/at = di dalam, di
*the = kata tambahan untuk melengkapi sesuatu, barang ( the computer, the keys ), tempat ( the cafe, the hotel, the apartment ), ataupun makhluk hidup ( the people, the elephant, the aloevera )
*kata bergaris selain yg telah disebutkan = obyek

Inilah akhir dari posting ini, semoga dapat membantu :")

Sumber : Mitta

Let's Learn 1A ( English People )

Mission : Make English people know about Indonesian language

Don't understand what I write before? I will teach you one by one, it's easy if you want learn it!

Indonesian = English

Subjects :

1. Aku = I
2. Kamu = You
3. Mereka = They
4. Kami = We
5. Orang = People
6. Binatang = Animals, Pets

Activities :

1. Tulis/Nulis/Menulis = Write/Writing
2. Baca/Membaca = Read/Reading
3. Ngomong/Berbicara = Talk/Talking
4. Pake/Pakai/Memakai ( Benda ) = Use/Using ( Things )
5. Pake/Pakai/Memakai ( Pakaian ) = Wear/Wearing ( Clothes )
6. Jalan / Berjalan = Walk/Walking

Objecs/Things :

1. HP/Ponsel = Handphone/Cellphone/s
2. Pulsa = Credit/s
3. Makanan = Food/s
4. Minuman = Drink/s
5. Pakaian = Cloth/es

Places :

1. Rumah = House/Home
2. Dapur = Kitchen
3. Kamar Mandi = Bathroom
4. Kamar Tidur = Bedroom
5. Garasi = Garage

There are just simple words, next posts we will learn about the sentences and also about stories!
So, make it fun and better
Indonesian Language is really simple

By : Mitta Devi
Have fun !

Lost In The Forest

Lost In The Forest
Calven was a nice person and also he is handsome. Calven had a handsome dad, beautiful mom, and moody sister. His sister changed mood suddenly because her boyfriend. Calven was a smart person too. He was popular because smart and handsome. At his school, there was Margareth, a beautiful girl at his school. Margareth also generous and studious, that reason why Calven liked her.
“Teng teng teng” the bell of breaktime ringed. “Yey, wanna play soccer, guys?” Calven asked. “Of course, of course” his friends answered. “Yeppe goal” Calven said. But, the ball went to the top of tree. Anyone didn’t want to take it, so Calven did. After took it, Calven wanted get down, but he couldn’t. With the bad feels, he fall and he saw Margareth with a happy face. Margareth helped him. Of course, Calven happy, very happy. Second goal made by Calven, but again, the ball went to the sky and fall at the far. His friends were scared and Calven didn’t. Again, Calven took it.
“Hello, where is my ball?” he said until he went to the forest. But, he couldn’t find it, and he lost the ball. He tried to get out from the forest. He couldn’t, he screamed. “Hey, HELP ME!” he screamed. But, nobody answered. He tried again until evening came. But, he couldn’t find the way. “Okay, I know my family can help me to get out from this place tomorrow.” he said. He slept under the tree.
Tomorrow, he screamed again, but nobody answered. Five minutes later, “Calven! Calven” Calven happy. But, Margareth came, not his family. “Margareth?” Calven said. “Calven? Why do you stayed here? I tried to find you.” Margareth answered. “I lost at this forest. Thanks for find me” Calven said. “Yeah, but let’s go out from this forest.” Margareth said. “We can’t. I couldn’t. You couldn’t. Right?” Calven said with sad face. “I know, then. But, please take care of me. I scared.” said Margareth.
They walked and they find a horse. “Wow, a horse. I love horse. Why don’t we take this horse? Maybe this horse can help us. Yeah? Please.” Margareth said. “Of course, we can.” Calven answered. Then, they choosed “Helpin”, the name of the horse. “Why you choose that name?” Margareth asked. “Because, we thought that this horse can help us. Like that?” Calven answered. “Oh, I see. Yea, I choose that name!” Margareth said. They left the days together, but they couldn’t find the way until now.
Their parents were sad because their child didn’t go home. They went to the police and told all the truth. But, police couldn’t find Calven and Margareth. They didn’t know that they were in the forest, near their school. The police searched at the town, city, school, and house. Just that, the police didn’t search at the forest.
Next day, Helpin woke up early. Helpin searched fruits for Calven and Margareth because he knew that they didn’t eat yesterday. Calven woke up and saw lots of fruits. “Helpin, is that the fruits that you took?” Calven asked. Helpin made a sound that heard “Nggoookk” that signed yes. Calven ran and went to the place that Margareth slept. “Margareth! Wake up!” Calven said. “Yea, why?” Margareth asked. “There are lots of fruits! Helpin took that for us! Come on!” Calven invited. Next, Margareth went to their place. “Wow, thanks Helpin. You are the best best best horse in the world.” Margareth said. Then, they ate all fruit until full. They were happy, but until now, their family couldn’t find them.
 They tried to went out again. “Thanks God, you made it truth.” Calven said because they found the way. After went out, they didn’t know where they were and so tired. So, they rode the horse. They asked some people there, but they didn’t know. “Margareth, do you have a coins? I wanna call my family.” Calven asked. “Yea, I have. This it.” Margareth answered. “Mom, this is Calven.” Calven said. “CALVEN?” Mom screamed. “Mom, I am at Hugandez Street with Margareth. She helped me to call you.” Calven said. “Okay, mom will go there now, take care there, don’t go anywhere.” Mom said. “How?” Margareth asked with happy face like before. “Yes, we can go home!” Calven screamed. “Ngggoookkk Nggoookkkk Huuummm” Helpin said. “How about Helpin?” Margareth asked saddy. “Okay, we go home by Helpin, we follow my mom. I will take you to your home.” Calven answered.
Thirty minutes again, mom got down from her car. “Calven! I miss you. Are you okay?” mom asked. “I’m okay. This is Margareth, my friend that helped me so much, mom, and this is Helpin, the special horse that gave us foods there.” Calven answered. “Thank you Margareth and also sweety horse” mom answered. “Okay mom. Can we go home?” Calven asked. “Of course, and this horse? Let it go, Ven.” Mom asked. “Margareth?” Calven asked. Margareth said yes. “Let Margareth go with her mom, Calven.” said Mom again. “Where my mom, aunt?” Margareth asked. “There.” “Oh it is, thanks Calven and aunt. Bye.”
Then they were end the day and went to own house and also they promise they will never lost themselves again.

By  : Mitta Devi
English Edition
For Indonesian, go translate !

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hi there !

Hi there who see my blog ! Thanks guys ! If you don't know what I write, you can translate it with !

-Mitta z